Delivery Rates and Policies

Free delivery available to Portmore Mall and Half Way Tree on Saturdays

Delivery to your door via our courier

Area                                Rates                 

Kingston                        $650                            

Portmore                       $450                              

Spanish Town                $550

                   Other parishes               

Knutsford                        $650  

Zipmail Post to Post       $400

Zipmail Post to Door     $700 


No refund, exchange only. Exchanges are only valid within no less than 2 days after receiving the item and may be denied depending on reason given. 

About Us


Store Owners

Tenka Jamaika strives to provide the highest quality car merchandise, equipped with excellent launch control and outstanding customer service :) .  

#LEGENDSNEVERDIE                                    #SINKDICLUTCH



Portmore, St.Catherine, Jamaica

Business Hours

10 A.M-5 P.M Mon-Fri

10 A.M - 4 P.M Saturdays 

Closed on Sundays